Monday, October 15, 2012

New Poetry by Stuart Barnes

Bear Hill

Evening, he’s alone atop Bear Hill,
no longer ‘Bear’: no barbered beard, no buzzcut.
Moonlit bats renew him with a squeal.

Three years back he flushed his crystal
meth, his skunky crack pipe down the dunny.
Evening, he’s alone atop Bear Hill,

supine, arms a crosspiece, eyes ascensional.
Tawny Frogmouths mimeo his wonder.
Moonlit bats renew him with a squeal.

I tried to make myself so ill, so ill,
horny as a cane toad for nine months.
Evening, he’s alone atop Bear Hill

where the darkened musky grasses fill
his lungs with larks that can’t be shushed.
Moonlit bats renew him with a squeal.

Far too many weeks of vinous meals,
that Godlike quack—I should be cuckoo, nuts.
Evening, he’s alone atop Bear Hill.
Moonlit bats renew him with a squeal.

- Stuart Barnes 2012

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